Farewell to Mr One-Paw

Fuller onepaw large
Fuller the Cat, 1999 - Dec 10, 2010

We lost our handsome tabby cat Fuller on Friday; he had cancer and went downhill quickly. We often called him “Mr One-Paw” because of his distinctive pose. Among the things I’ll miss about Fuller:

  • Kill the Catnip Mouse. Fuller fancied himself the Mighty Hunter, and although he had many mouse toys his favorites were “Calico” and “Treyf.” He would bat them around, take them in his mouth, and begin a distinctive moan we called “yowling,” which was loud enough to be heard from the backyard.
  • Keyboard Laps. Fuller enjoyed visiting me at my computer. He would sit on my lap, rest his paws on my wrist pad, and purr away.
  • Pawing at the water dish. For some instinctual reason, many cats paw at the ground just as they start to drink water. Fuller never failed to do this, and often seemed like he was trying to dig a trench.
  • Cuddling with Gilman. I had never lived with a bonded pair of cats. Fuller and Gilman were very affectionate with each other. They also had marvelous play time, when they would seem like they were trying to kill each other.

Burial was in the family feline plot, next to Ariel. He is survived by his brother Gilman and housemates David and Arlene. We all miss him terribly.

Here is another piece about Fuller that I wrote for the Kaddish Project.

And here is my Paul Elder feline-themed “weekly spotlight” in memory of Fuller.


Whereas your typical cat will settle down into the time-honored Old Kingdom sphinx position, our guys use the modified sphinx we call “one-paw”.

Meet the guys

Arlene and I share our home with Fuller & Gilman, two tabby brothers adopted from the San Francisco SPCA.