A Tragedy That Made a Difference

triangle fire
The scene at the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, Saturday 25 March 1911

One hundred years ago today, 146 people died in a fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York City. The victims were primarily young immigrant Jewish and Italian women. Many died when they jumped from the upper floors to the concrete sidewalks below. At the time it was the largest industrial accident in the history of the United States, and was hugely reported on by the press. Over 400,000 New Yorkers watched in the funeral procession in the pouring rain.

The company’s owners were prosecuted but got off quite lightly. This, coupled with the enormous tragedy, marked a turning point. Unions such as the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union became stronger. New York passed laws  increasing workplace safety, and other states followed suit. In a very real way, many future lives were saved in the safer workplaces that resulted from the tragedy of the Triangle Fire. The names of these 146 men and women have not been forgotten.

More coverage of the Triangle Fire centennial:

Make your earthquake preparations TODAY

Folks, we live in earthquake country. My heart aches for the victims of today’s massive 8.8 earthquake in Japan. One day soon, this will happen to us:

The toll in Japan could have been far, far worse—but the Japanese have taken earthquake preparations seriously. They have modified their architectural standards. They do regular earthquake drills.

Make your preparations TODAY. Buy food and water. Make go-bags for each family member. Keep extra go-bags in your car. Make sure you have extra prescription medecines. Don’t forget about your pets: they need food too. You may be on your own for up to 72 hours.

Visit 72hours.org for more information. Do it today!

I’ll meet you at the corner of 1251st & 849th

What is the highest numbered street in America? The answer appears to be 1251st Street in River Falls, Wisconsin. And if that weren’t enough, 1251st Street tees into 849th Avenue, for a nice even total of 2100! I would love to have a photograph of that street sign.

Just a stone’s throw from the St Croix River, this unique street corner is about 20 miles from St Paul, Minnesota as the crow flies.