What I learned from my Dad at baseball games

I started going to San Francisco Giants baseball games with my family in the late 1960s. Willie Mays was my favorite, but I thought Willie McCovey was pretty good too. Last week I was at a Giants game, eating some peanuts, and I remembered something my Dad said at another Giants game decades ago. It occurred to me that I could make a list of things I learned from Dad at the ballpark:

  1. When eating peanuts at a game, do not be neat and tidy. Drop the empty shells directly onto the concrete.
  2. Don’t look at the fly ball to see where it’s going, watch the outfielder who’s trying to catch it.
  3. People arrive at the ballpark at different times, but everybody leaves at once.
  4. Janitors do not make good money.
  5. The first person to touch a foul ball is almost never the person who ends up with it.
  6. Always bring a thermos of hot chocolate to a night game at Candlestick.

16th Annual Arts & Crafts Show, San Francisco

If, like me, you are a fan of the Arts & Crafts Movement, then join Arlene and me at the 16th annual Arts & Crafts show, August 14 and 15 at the Concourse Exhibition Hall, 8th & Brannan, San Francisco. Furniture, pottery, graphic art, both period & modern, also lectures, exhibits and book signings.

Also: on August 14 from 5-9pm, there will be an open house at the beautiful William Thorsen house in Berkeley. Enjoy wine and hors d’oeurvres and network with fellow Arts & Crafts enthusiasts in this historic setting. The house is famous as one of Greene & Greene’s “Ultimate Bungalows“ and is rarely open to the public. Don’t miss this opportunity!